//Slow Chinese/11 September 2021 杀敌八百,自损一千 shā dí bābǎi zì sǔn yīqiān kill 800 enemy soldiers but lose one-thousand of your own; one step forward, two steps back - self defeating 土崩瓦解 tǔbēng wǎjiě fall apart, disintegrate 堆积如山 duījī rúshān pile up like a mountain, many 咯噔 gēdēng stop and think, to wonder about something before changing your mind 刷 shuā to swipe; watch or look at a screen 黑子们 hēizǐmen online haters, trolls 个屁 gè pì a fart, you’re talking sh*t 你个头 nǐ gètóu you’re talking sh*t, I don’t believe you 特娘 tè niáng slang/swear word to say ‘angry’ or ‘that’s ridiculous’ 得了便宜还卖乖 déle piányí hái màiguāi getting undeserved gains and taking them for granted 哑巴吃黄连有苦说不出 yǎbā chī huánglián yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū a dumb person can say nothing when they eat bitter herbs; suffer unfairly in silence 一鲸落,万物生 yī jīng luò, wànwù shēng a single whale dies, ten thousand new things are born 矬子里拔大个儿 cuózi lǐ bá dà gè'er choose the tall one from a group of short people; the best of a bad lot 惊涛骇浪 jīngtāo hàilàng stormy seas; challenges 劈波斩浪 pībō zhǎnlàng cleave through stormy waters 不折不扣 bù zhé bù kòu without compromise, to the letter