//Slow Chinese/29 January 2022 俺 ǎn me, I 搭 dā put or throw in more 零工 líng gōng part-time work 流调 liú diào epidemiology survey 上访 shàngfǎng petition 没准头 méizhǔn tou no standards, irregular 置之不理 zhìzhī bùlǐ ignore 不偷不抢 bùtōu bùqiǎng not stealing or doing anything wrong 天爷 tiān yé God, the heavens 风骨 fēng gǔ character, spine 蛀虫 zhù chóng worm, parasite 众生相 zhòng shēng xiàng all beings, orinary people 作恶多端 zuò'è duō duān do much evil 锦衣玉食 jǐnyī yùshí extravagant or opulent lifestyle 天灾人祸 tiānzāi rénhuò natural disasters and man-made disasters 福祸相依 fúhuò xiāngyī good comes out of a bad situation 披星戴月 pīxīng dàiyuè go to work before dawn and finish when the moon is up 碎银几两 suì yín jǐ liǎng a few taels of silver, pennies 善有善报恶有恶报 shàn yǒu shàn bào è yǒu è bào those that do good will be rewarded, those that do harm will be punished 麻绳专挑细处断,厄运总缠苦命人 má shéng zhuān tiāo xì chù duàn, èyùn zǒng chán kǔmìng rén a hemp rope breaks at its weakest point, misfortune tends to entangle the poor 吃着公家饭 chīzhe gōngjiā fàn public servants who don’t do their job living on tax payers’ money 吃公粮 chī gōngliáng public servants who don’t do their job living on tax payers’ money