//Slow Chinese/5 March 2022 造机 zàojī making mobile phones 造车新势力 zàochē xīnshìlì major new players in EV 刺刀见红 cìdāo jiànhóng a bloody battle 风马牛不相及 fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí totally unrelated 病急乱投医 bìng jí luàn tóuyī try anything when in a desperate situation 萌芽 méngyá bud, early stage 大鳄 dà è big crocodile, the big incumbent 贴牌 tiē pái white labelling 套皮 tào pí putting on a skin 趟过 tāng guò wade through, get over 赋能 fù néng leverage or give power to 下沉 xià chén going into second- and third-tier markets 捣鼓 dǎo gu experiment with 拦路虎 lán lù hǔ a road block 插一脚 chā yī jiǎo put a foot in 蹭热点 cèng rèdiǎn grab attention on social media 打江山 dǎ jiāngshān hitting the rivers and mountains, taking over the market 排头兵 pái tóubīng leading force 搅局者 jiǎojú zhě disruptor 风生水起 fēngshēng shuǐqǐ energetic, full of energy 招贤纳士 zhāoxián nàshì hiring top quality talent 不务正业 bùwù zhèngyè not doing what you should be doing 百上加斤 bǎi shàng jiājīn adding to a heavy burden 忆苦思甜 yìkǔ sītián reminisce over the hard times to appreciate the good life now 苦逼 kǔbī crazy workaholics