//Slow Chinese/23 April 2022 妖股 yāo gǔ demon stock 老韭 lǎo jiǔ experienced individual investors 凡尔赛 fán 'ěr sài having a first-world problem, ‘humble-bragging’ 盆满钵满 pén mǎn bō mǎn making pots of cash 天时地利人和 tiān shí dì lì rén hé in the right place at the right time 卖爆 mài bào explosive sales 捧红 pěng hóng increase the share value 陡峭 dǒu qiào steep 芸芸 yún yún many 招惹 zhāo rě provoke 骂爹 mà diē be really angry about something 落袋 luò dài land or confirm something 妥妥的 tuǒ tuǒ de simply, just 黑天鹅 hēi tiān'é black swan event 天地板 tiān dì bǎn fall from highest to lowest price 生死攸关 shēng sǐ yōu guān be at a juncture of life and death 起死回生 qǐ sǐ huí shēng come back from the brink of collapse 语焉不详 yǔ yān bù xiáng not in detail 一窥端倪 yī kuī duān ní glimpse a clue 摇摇欲坠 yáo yáo yù zhuì shaky 绞尽脑汁 jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī rack one’s brains 逆天改命 nì tiān gǎi mìng change your fate against God’s will