//Slow Chinese/14 May 2022 沙粒 shā lì things that get in the way 狗屎运 gǒu shǐ yùn a stroke of luck 凤毛菱角 fèng máo líng jiǎo extremely rare 初生牛犊不怕虎 chū shēng niú dú bù pà hǔ young and fearless 赔了夫人又折兵 péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng lose out on both fronts 情商 qíng shāng emotional intelligence 狠绝 hěn jué ruthless 老辣 lǎo là experienced 腹地 fù dì the heart of a place 差池 chā chí mistakes 军心 jūn xīn team morale 瓜分 guā fēn to carve up 垒筑 lěi zhù to build a fortress 钦点 qīn diǎn to hand-pick 碾压 niǎn yā put pressure on 尝甜头 cháng tián tou know we are on to a good thing 一盘棋 yī pán qí the big picture 老冤家 lǎo yuān jiā long-term competitor in the market 心头肉 xīntóu ròu apple of one’s eye 片汤话 piàn tāng huà hot air 异军突起 yì jūn tū qǐ sudden emergence 冉冉升起 rǎn rǎn shēng qǐ rising 天壤之别 tiān rǎng zhī bié totally different 有功之臣 yǒu gōng zhī chén a team member who has contributed a lot 死里逃生 sǐ lǐ táo shēng escape from death 鳞次栉比 lín cì zhì bǐ row upon row; lots of them 得民心者得天下 dé mín xīn zhě dé tiān xià if you win the hearts and minds of the people, you can rule the nation 尽人事,听天命 jìn rén shì, tīng tiān mìng do your best, let fate decide 乱拳打死老师傅 luàn quán dǎ sǐ lǎo shī fù a haphazard way of doing things that inadvertently might lead to an unexpected win