//Slow Chinese/08 October 2022 老铁 lǎo tiě mate or pal 碰瓷 pèng cí a scam 狗屎运 gǒu shǐ yùn good luck out of bad 谷贱伤农 gǔ jiàn shāng nóng low grain prices hurt farmers 黔驴技穷 qián lǘ jì qióng be at one’s wit’s end, exhausted all one’s tricks 怼 duì to have a go at somebody 捞钱 lāo qián make loads of money 草莽 cǎo mǎng uncultivated 助农 zhù nóng help farmers 伤农 shāng nóng hurt farmers 丧良心 sàng liáng xīn no conscience 耍流氓 shuǎ liú máng behaving like a thug 拉关注 lā guān zhù grabbing attention 词不达意 cí bù dá yì inarticulate 屡试不爽 lǚ shì bù shuǎng tried and tested 无可指摘 wú kě zhǐ zhāi blameless 昭然若揭 zhāo rán ruò jiē revealing 一席之地 yī xí zhī dì have a place 一分钱一分货 yī fēn qián yī fēn huò you get what you pay for 雷声大雨点小 léi shēng dà yǔ diǎn xiǎo all bark not bite