//Slow Chinese/26 November 2022 刷脸 shuā liǎn appear on screen many times 擦边球 cā biān qiú loophole 有点东西 yǒu diǎn dōng xi looks interesting 恨铁不成钢 hèn tiě bù chéng gāng be exasperated at sb.'s failure to make good 墙内开花墙外香 qiáng nèi kāi huā qiáng wài xiāng blossom on the other side of the wall makes it smell nicer inside PUA pick-up artist 恍惚 huǎng hū without noticing it 奸商 jiān shāng profiteer 扎堆 zhā duī gathered around 争脸 zhēng liǎn win back respect after an embarrassment 岂不是 qǐ bù shì would it not be 硬杠杠 yìng gàng gang rigid 小聪明 xiǎo cōng ming cheap trick 横七竖八 héng qī shù bā all over the place 无所不在 wú suǒ bù zài omnipresent 五味杂陈 wǔ wèi zá chén mixed feelings 贻笑大方 yí xiào dà fāng a joke 厉兵秣马 lì bīng mò mǎ to prepare for battle 掷地有声 zhì dì yǒu shēng loud 吃这一套 chī zhè yī tào accept something 尝到甜头 cháng dào tián tou appreciate the benefit of something 没有硝烟的战争 méiyǒu xiāo yān de zhàn zhēng it is like a battle