//Slow Chinese/10 December 2022 伞 sǎn to have someone in local government protecting you 汉奸 hàn jiān traitor to China 动手脚 dòng shǒu jiǎo do something underhand 发国难财 fā guó nàn cái profiteering during national disaster 拔出萝卜带出泥 bá chū luó bo dài chū ní pulling out a carrot brings the mud with it 猫腻 māo nì something fishy, underhanded behaviour 谎报 huǎng bào fake reporting 暴利 bào lì profiteering 圈钱 quān qián grab money 昧良心 mèi liáng xīn ignore ones conscience 幺蛾子 yāo é zi a crazy idea, do something crazy 背锅侠 bēi guō xiá someone who takes the blame 偷着乐 tōu zhe lè secretly happy 毫发无伤 háo fà wú shāng unscathed 劳民伤财 láo mín shāng cái waste of manpower and money 滔天骇浪 tāo tiān hài làng monstrous waves 弹无虚发 dàn wú xū fā always hits the target 屡教不改 lǚ jiào bù gǎi to refuse to learn lessons 铤而走险 tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn take the risk 吃人不吐骨头 chī rén bù tǔ gǔ tou ruthless 吃人血馒头 chī rén xǐe mán tou profiting from other people’s suffering 扒个底儿掉 bā ge dǐ er diào doxing