//Slow Chinese/15 July 2023 服 fú to submit 鸡肋 jī lèi something of little value, but discarding it seems a waste 傻白甜 shǎ bái tián easily fooled 靴子落地 xuē zi luò dì the point when something decisive happens 马已今服 mǎ yǐ jīn fú Jack Ma has submitted to the much more powerful government 利空出尽是利好 lì kōng chū jìn shì lì hǎo the market receives a boost after all the bad news is out 诟病 gòu bìng to find fault with 玄机 xuán jī underlying secret 垫背 diàn bèi to take the blame for someone else 松绑 sōng bǎng to relax control 折戟 zhé jǐ to fail in one's endeavour 上扬 shàng yáng to go up 约谈 yuē tán to have a discussion or interview with 会错意 huì cuò yì to misunderstand 里程碑 lǐ chéng bēi significant achievement 风向标 fēng xiàng biāo gauge 虚位以待 xū wèi yǐ dài to await someone's arrival 灭顶之灾 miè dǐng zhī zāi a catastrophic event 目瞪口呆 mù dèng kǒu dāi to be astonished 轻装上阵 qīng zhuāng shàng zhèn to adopt a nimble approach 大起大落 dà qǐ dà luò drastic fluctuations 摩拳擦掌 mó quán cā zhǎng to be eager to start 暴风骤雨 bào fēng zhòu yǔ a tempestuous situation 雷霆之势 léi tíng zhī shì a powerful momentum 达摩克利斯之剑 Dá mó kè lì sī zhī jiàn the Sword of Damocles 爱之深责之切 ài zhī shēn zé zhī qiè deep love is accompanied by high expectations