//Slow Chinese/30 Sept 2023 捞油水 lāo yóu shuǐ ill-gotten gains from a loophole 触到逆鳞 chù dào nì lín cross sb’s red line 细思极恐 xì sī jí kǒng terrifying upon closer examination 指鼠为鸭 zhǐ shǔ wéi yā call a rat a duck 科技与狠活 kē jì yǔ hěn huó additives in food 烹饪 pēng rèn culinary arts 锅气 guō qì the Chinese umami 嘴叼 zuǐ diāo picky about taste 品控 pǐn kòng quality control 口感 kǒu gǎn texture and flavour 激素 jī sù hormones 摇钱树 yáo qián shù money tree 出岔子 chū chà zi go wrong or have a problem 伪命题 wěi mìng tí false proposition 鱼龙混杂 yú lóng hùn zá mix of good and bad 油然而生 yóu rán ér shēng arise spontaneously 忍无可忍 rěn wú kě rěn unable to tolerate any longer 千篇一律 qiān piān yí lǜ uniform 瞠目结舌 chēng mù jié shé jaw-dropping 绞尽脑汁 jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī rack one's brains 形同虚设 xíng tóng xū shè existent in form only 明知故犯 míng zhī gù fàn knowingly commit a wrongdoing 一杆子打死 yì gān zi dǎ sǐ to paint everything with the same brush 师父领进门,修行看个人 shī fu lǐng jìn mén, xiū xíng kàn gè rén A master teaches the trade, but the apprentice's progress depends on individual effort 劣币驱逐良币 liè bì qū zhú liáng bì bad money drives out the good