//Slow Chinese/18 Nov 2023 破价 pò jià hit a new low 满减 mǎn jiǎn once a certain amount is reached, there will be a certain discount 攻城略地 gōng chéng lüè dì capture cities and seize territory 简单粗暴 jiǎn dān cū bào straightforward 全网最低价 quán wǎng zuì dī jià lowest price across the entire internet 冷清 lěng qīng quiet and empty 脱敏 tuō mǐn become desensitised 激战 jī zhàn fierce competition 比价 bǐ jià compare prices 殆尽 dài jìn nearly depleted 留量 liú liàng retention of traffic 白热化 bái rè huà intense 薅羊毛 hāo yáng máo take advantage of promotions 赚吆喝 zhuàn yāo he gain attention 遍地开花 biàn dì kāi huā ubiquitous (positive connotations) 返璞归真 fǎn pǔ guī zhēn go back to basics 风云突变 fēng yún tū biàn sudden and drastic change in the situation 开足马力 kāi zú mǎ lì go all out 层出不穷 céng chū bù qióng in endless succession 花里胡哨 huā lǐ hú shào gaudy 云里雾里 yún lǐ wù lǐ confused 席卷而来 xí juǎn ér lái overwhelm 刻在骨子里 kè zài gǔ zi lǐ ingrained 羊毛出在羊身上 yáng máo chū zài yáng shēn shàng the benefits come from the source