//Slow Chinese/20 Jan 2024 冻蒜 dòng suàn get elected! 车拚 chē pàn fierce competition 魔咒 mó zhòu a spell 朝小野大 cháo xiǎo yě dà minority government 青天白日满地红 qīng tiān bái rì mǎn dì hóng the flag of the Republic of China 党魁 dǎng kuí party leader 民意 mín yì public opinion 拜票 bài piào canvassing for votes 簇拥 cù yōng to flock around 声势 shēng shì influence 阵营 zhèn yíng political grouping 抹红 mǒ hóng to discredit as a CCP apologist 擂台战 lèi tái zhàn decisive battle 本命区 běn mìng qū home constituency 摩肩擦踵 mó jiān cā zhǒng crowded 义无反顾 yì wú fǎn gù forge ahead with no regrets 旗鼓相当 qí gǔ xiāng dāng evenly poised 造势晚会 zào shì wǎn huì campaign rally in the evening 读秒阶段 dú miǎo jiē duàn final moments 败选演说 bài xuǎn yǎn shuō concession speech 政党轮替 zhèng dǎng lún tì government alternation 近身肉搏 jìn shēn ròu bó hand-to-hand struggle 振臂呼喊 zhèn bì hū hǎn to wave one's arms and shout 热情高涨 rè qíng gāo zhǎng spirited